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The 3Ps of Personal Transformation


Christine Strobush

Author | Podcaster | Founder & Managing Partner at The COMO Group | Published on LinkedIn

“Allow your Passion to become your Purpose, and it will one day become your Profession.” - Gabrielle Bernstein 

This past Sunday morning at church, I was reminded of an important life lesson. A young brown-haired boy, probably ten or eleven years old, was on stage singing with the children’s choir. This boy was on the front row and sang his heart out with a big, beautiful smile and hands stretched high into the air! The joy on his face and the Passion in his soul will be forever engrained in my mind. 


Oh…how incredible the world would be if we could all live our professional and personal lives with the heartfelt Purpose and Passion of this young boy. So, what do you believe is stopping us?


Have you ever felt that life is so busy and full of responsibilities that you don’t have time to “stop and smell the roses” let alone consider your one-of-a-kind Purpose? Do you spend more of your time climbing the corporate ladder than pursuing the Passion in your heart? Do you believe deep down that the two are mutually exclusive?


As a wife, mother of five and business leader & entrepreneur, I have been there. I spent more than twenty years as a Transformation executive in the corporate world, lived abroad twice and traveled the globe extensively. I did my fair share of ladder climbing and accepted positions that did not always light my fire but paid the bills. I sacrificed sleep, personal health, and quality time with my family in order to succeed in my career. Sound familiar?


And then, an unexpected blessing came on May 7th last year when I (along with countless others) was affected by a reduction in force. Because of diligent planning, investing, and living the principles of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, I had the good fortune to be able to write my next chapter. Rather than simply finding another “job” working for someone else, I decided to truly pursue my Passion, which was to be a small business owner, podcaster, and author! And twenty-five days later, my business partner Sonal Trivedi and I launched our business The COMO Group. This pivot from corporate executive to entrepreneur has been one of the most significant personal Transformations of my life. While the journey has not been easy, it sure is worth it!


Although your story may look different from mine, it is never too late to pursue your Passion. What do you love to do? What do you enjoy so much that it does not feel like “work”? Those questions are a great way for you to begin to gain clarity of your Passion and Purpose. You may choose to begin this journey with just a few hours a week and that is perfectly fine. Whatever you do, be Persistent and don’t give up. From now on, if I ever feel like giving up, I am going to think of that young boy singing his heart out with Passion and Purpose. If he can sing like that, I can wake up every day and passionately live my one-of-a-kind Purpose.


If you would like to learn more about Personal and Professional Transformation, check out our fictional Business Thriller novel The F Place. My co-author Sonal Trivedi and I use the art of storytelling to help seasoned executives and aspiring leaders to experience wholistic personal and professional Transformation. Not only will you be entertained by the characters, the corporate political warfare, and scandals, you will walk away with lessons that you can apply to your own Transformation journey.


Please visit to purchase the book and merchandise directly. The F Place book is also available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and wherever books are sold.

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